Can CoolSculpting® Get Rid of my Back Fat?

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Stubborn back fat can affect your body image despite your efforts to exercise and eat right. Luckily, researchers have developed a method to help you “freeze it away.”

The providers at Beleza Surgery are proud to offer state-of-the-art CoolSculpting technology. This noninvasive treatment can help reduce problematic pockets of fat that resist your best efforts to slim down. CoolSculpting is available at our locations in Cedar Park, Round Rock, and Killeen, TX, and is a needle-free way to treat nine different areas of the body.

Below, we’ll look at how CoolSculpting works and how it can help with back fat removal, specifically.

What areas of the body can CoolSculpting treat?

CoolSculpting has been FDA-cleared to treat fat bulges in nine different areas of the body:

  • Under the chin

  • Jawline areas

  • Thighs

  • Abdomen

  • Flanks

  • Bra fat

  • Back fat

  • Underneath the buttocks

  • Upper arms

These are areas where fat can be stubborn and bulge out even if you target them with exercise. Not everyone can create the caloric deficit needed to slim problem areas while maintaining their health.

Can CoolSculpting be used for back fat removal?

While liposuction used to be the only choice for back fat removal, CoolSculpting now offers a noninvasive treatment with no surgery and no needles.

However, just like liposuction, CoolSculpting can only target subcutaneous back fat. This is the “jiggly” fat just beneath the skin. For those who are overweight, visceral fat may contribute to fat bulges. Neither liposuction nor CoolSculpting can target visceral fat because it is attached to the organs. That’s why these procedures are recommended for those who are already close to their goal weight and just looking to remove stubborn fat pockets. If you have visceral fat, diet and exercise or medically-monitored weight loss programs are recommended before undergoing CoolSculpting.

For those who are good candidates for CoolSculpting, recent studies have shown that patients can lose 25% or more of their back fat after just one session. Many patients need two sessions of CoolSculpting to achieve their optimal results, and sessions with the team at Beleza Surgery are typically scheduled at least 30 days apart.

It does take time to see the final results from CoolSculpting sessions. While some patients see the fat melt away in as few as 1 – 3 months, for many, the final results can take six months (as long as patients maintain a steady weight).

How does CoolSculpting technology work?

CoolSculpting works by medically freezing back fat via a process called cryolipolysis. During treatment, fat pockets are identified and treated so that the fat cells inside become crystallized, then shrink, break down, and die. Once these cells die, the body does not replace them, so the results can be long-term as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The technology used in CoolSculpting only targets fat cells, which freeze at higher temperatures than other cells. That means the technique can safely remove fat cells without damaging any of the surrounding tissue.

Get CoolSculpting in Cedar Park, Round Rock, or Killeen, TX

The team at Beleza Surgery is here to help patients near Cedar Park, Round Rock, or Killeen, TX with back fat removal and other subcutaneous fat removal with cutting-edge CoolSculpting technology.

To find out if you’re a good candidate, just schedule a consultation with our team.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.