How Many Pounds of Fat Can I Shed With Liposuction?

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Even if you're eating healthy food and staying active, you may still be carrying around extra weight due to stress, aging, and even genetics. For those struggling with pockets of fat that are hard to work off, liposuction may be one way to help sculpt your body and give you the look you deserve.

The team members at Beleza Surgery are experts in performing liposuction for patients near Cedar Park and Killeen, TX.

Keep reading to find out how much weight you can lose with liposuction.

How does liposuction help with weight loss?

It's important to remember that liposuction isn't designed to be a weight loss surgery. That's because it can only remove one type of fat from your body – subcutaneous fat. This "jiggly" fat accumulates around our stomachs, midsections, arms, thighs, and upper back. It can be loosened and removed without causing harm to your organs.

However, if you're looking to lose 20 or more pounds, you likely have visceral fat you'd like to target. This fat is attached to your organs and cannot be safely removed with cosmetic surgery, and it requires other medical intervention or a more stringent diet and exercise plan.

When the team at Beleza Surgery performs liposuction, they use a small incision to insert a cannula under the skin and remove subcutaneous fat from problem areas.

It's an outpatient procedure, so you can go home the same day.

How many pounds can you lose with liposuction?

Even though it's not technically a weight loss surgery, since liposuction removes fat, patients do typically lose weight as a result of the procedure.

Realistically, you can expect to lose 5 – 7 pounds after liposuction. However, the results aren't the same for everyone – some people can lose up to 10 or 11 pounds, but it's not common, and it may not be safe to remove that much fat. A more significant amount of weight loss is usually associated with liposuction in multiple areas.

How long will it take to see weight loss results from liposuction?

Patients should expect a 7 – 10 month recovery phase before they see the full results from liposuction. Of course, you should be able to see the area where you had surgery get slimmer before that.

Because you'll be expected to rest in the weeks following surgery, it's crucial to maintain a healthy diet during this time, so you don't gain weight.

Who is a good candidate for liposuction?

Liposuction works best if you're already within 10 – 15 pounds of your goal weight and dealing with stubborn pockets of fat that can't be targeted by exercise. People often see this weight in their abdomen, thighs, hips, upper arms, or "bra line." However, liposuction can also be performed in other areas.

It's not recommended that a patient gain or lose significant amounts of weight after surgery since fat can come back and affect the results of your surgery.

The team at Beleza Surgery will help you learn about activities and nutrition plans that support your recovery and lifestyle after surgery.

Trim your fat with liposuction in Cedar Park or Killeen, TX

While you likely won't lose significant weight with liposuction, you can see inches removed from your waist and hips and achieve a slimmer, more sculpted body.

If you're interested in learning how to achieve your aesthetic goals and live in or around Cedar Park or Killeen, TX, schedule a consultation with the team at Beleza Surgery.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.