Breast Implants Austin Experts

Thinking about Breast Augmentation with Breast Implants?

There are 3 main questions to consider when thinking about breast implants: 1.) breast implant type and size, 2.) location of the incision, and 3.) where the breast implant is placed. Making these decisions requires some degree of experience with breast implants. That is why the final decisions should only be made in consultation with your plastic surgeon. However, you need to do your research and go into this process armed with some knowledge. These choices are also affected by your body type (wide or narrow), amount of breast tissue present and where it is (upper or lower pole), degree of lifting needed, activity level, and your desired outcome. As your Breast Implants Austin experts, we are here to help you understand your choices.

Types of Breast Implants

Breast implants have come a long way over the years. When they were first introduced, the only real choice was size. Click here for our discussion about choosing breast implant size. Now one can also choose saline vs silicone, round vs teardrop, smooth vs textured, and different profiles. These are a dizzying amount of types of breast implants even for experienced surgeons!

Saline Breast Implants & Silicone Breast Implants

The first choice involves saline vs silicone breast implants. Both have an outer shell made of silicone. Saline breast implants are filled with sterile saline during surgery and are somewhat adjustable. As a result, they need smaller incisions, can be placed through the belly button, and rupture of the implant only leaks saline. They also cost 1/2 as less as silicone implants and can be placed as young as age 18. However, they feel less natural and tend to have rippling on their sides. Silicone breast implants are a more natural feeling and don’t tend to have rippling. They cost 2x as much as saline, require slightly larger incisions, and cannot be placed until age 22. All silicone implants now contain a cohesive gel that is less likely to run out if the outer capsule is ruptured.

Most breast implants placed are round in shape. The last few years brought the introduction of teardrop-shaped implants. These are also known as ‘gummy bear’ or ‘form stable’ implants. These gummy bear implants have a highly cohesive gel which means if you cut them in half, they will not leak. As a result, they are also the firmest implants. Round implants are the most popular and commonly placed. They tend to provide more overall breast fullness and cleavage. They are great for women who already have good-sized breast tissue, especially in the lower pole. However, they also tend to produce an artificial, implanted look. The teardrop implants were designed to produce a more natural-looking result. They have more volume in the lower pole and produce a natural breast silhouette with a gentle slope. Since they are shaped, they require a larger incision and special placement in the breast. Unlike round implants that move freely, teardrop implant movement may require further procedures. Round implants also allow the flow of the silicone with movement. So when standing, the lower pole fills more looking like a natural breast. When laying down, round implants will flatten out. Teardrop or gummy bear implants do not flow and may look unnatural when laying flat. Teardrop implants are more expensive than round implants. Teardrop implants may be better for thinner women with less breast tissue who want a more natural look.

Round breast implants (saline and silicone) and now teardrop, also offer choices in profile. The profiles involve the relationship of the projection of the implant compared to the width of the base. So high-profile breast implants project furthest from the chest wall and have the narrowest base. High profiles are great for a narrow chest and tend to have less rippling. Low-profile implants are best for wider chests and produce more ‘side boob’. Moderate profile implants are the standard size placed. Profile choice depends greatly on chest size and the amount of upper pole fullness desired (more with higher profile).

Most implants placed have a smooth outer surface. This allows them to freely move in the breast pocket. Textured outer surface breast implants were developed to stop this movement in hopes of decreasing the risk of the complication of capsular contraction. This where the breast pocket surrounding the implant becomes tight and hard. However, it is controversial if textured implants really decrease this risk. Teardrop or gummy bear implants only come textured as the movement of the implants is not wanted. Textured implants also tend to be firmer and have a higher chance of rippling.

Breast Implant Sizes

Breast implants come in many sizes. The choice of breast implant size is a personal one that you should make in consultation with your surgeon. You will have the chance during your consultation to try on sample breast implants to get an idea of what they will look like. It is best to choose breast implant size based on appearance and not cup size or cc’s.

Breast Augmentation Incisions

Placement of the breast augmentation incision is as important as choosing the breast implant type and size. The choice of incision depends on the type of implant being placed, concern for scars, Plastic Surgeon preference and need for future breastfeeding, and if any other breast procedures are being performed. The most common incision used is the inframammary which is placed where the breast meets the rib cage. It is very easy for the surgeon to reach the breast pocket and can be smaller. However, it can leave the most visible scar. Periareolar (around the nipple) is also a very common incision. It gives good access and the scar can be hidden in the border of the areolar. It is also necessary if a breast lift is also planned. It should be avoided if breastfeeding is planned in the future. Transaxillary involves an incision in the armpit and allows great access for under the muscle implants. The scar tends to be hidden in the armpit. Transumbilical or TUBA involves placing the implants through the belly button. Only saline implants can be used and no scars are visible.

Breast Implant Position

The main choices are under the muscle or subpectoral and over the muscle or sub-glandular. Under the muscle allows for more coverage of the implant with a more natural look and feel, less rippling, and a chance of capsular contraction. It is best for thin, active women who have little breast tissue and no sagging and who want a more natural look. However, subpectoral placement pushes the implant higher and wider, can be visible with the use of chest muscles and has a longer and more painful recovery. Over the muscle, placement is good for women with large amounts of breast tissue that is somewhat deflated and who want an easier recovery. It also ideal for women that have some sagging but do not want a breast lift. Submuscular implants also do not interfere with mammograms while sub-glandular may make reading future mammograms more difficult. There is also the dual plane technique which is a form of subpectoral placement. This involves placing the top of the implant under the muscle and allowing the lower part of the implant to be sub-glandular. This allows for the advantages of a natural-looking upper pole while allowing the better filling of the lower pole of the breast. It is best for contracted or tubular breasts and slightly droopy breasts.

Breast Implants Near Me

So you have decided to get breast augmentation with breast implants. You are looking for breast implants near me. Dr. Staci Hix-Hernandez at Beleza Medspa is a skilled & experienced plastic surgeon specializing in breast surgery and body contouring. She has years of experience with breast augmentation, breast lifts, and mommy makeovers. Make your free consultation with the Breast Implants Austin experts at Beleza Medspa now.

Find out more about Breast Augmentation with Breast Implants here.

Breast Implants Cost

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.