Skin Tightening and Collagen Stimulation

Are you looking for Skin Tightening, Wrinkle Reduction, and to Look Younger?

For many of us, our appearance doesn’t reflect how we feel on the inside, so tackling aging skin by addressing those wrinkles and lines associated with growing old is a must to feel good about our appearance. The good news is that there are now many options available for skin tightening using collagen stimulation including laser skin tightening, microneedling, dermal fillers, and skin tightening creams.


What is Collagen?

Collagen is the main structural protein of the human body. It is the largest component of connective tissue and makes up to 30% of all the protein in the body. Skin, tendons, and ligaments are mostly made of collagen. Collagen can be called the ‘glue’ that holds the body together. In the skin it works with another protein, elastin, to give firmness and strength as well as flexibility.

As we age, our collagen is attacked by ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Collagen production is slowed and existing collagen begins to break down. This leads to the sagging and drooping and loss of elasticity we see with aging. Wrinkles form and the skin thins. At this point, over-the-counter skin tightening creams & lotions can only do so much. Collagen stimulation is critical to restoring the vitality of the skin.


Why Laser Skin Tightening & Collagen Stimulation Works Brilliantly to Bring Back Elasticity to Your Face

The body wants to heal itself but sometimes needs a little helping hand. With laser skin tightening, we aim to harness your body’s own ability to repair itself. The goal of laser skin tightening is to stimulate the skin cells to make new collagen and repair the collagen already there.


How can laser skin tightening and resurfacing help me?

There are several complementary procedures available to stimulate collagen production. The introduction of heat will stimulate collagen production as well as tighten existing collagen bundles. This can be accomplished via lasers like laser resurfacing or ultrasound treatments like Ultherapy. Studies have shown the expansion of the skin caused by dermal fillers also stimulates new collagen production.

Microneedling is another effective method for collagen stimulation. Using tiny painless needles, the microneedling procedure reaches the skin cells in the deep layer of the skin. The effect of these ‘microwounds’ is to stimulate new collagen production.

Topically, the best collagen stimulators are prescription retinoid creams. They actually influence the skin cells to ramp up collagen production and produce tighter skin. That is why retinoids and retinol are the best skin tightening creams.

Collagen stimulators and resurfacing help to give volume to your skin as it begins to show signs of aging. They can also help to make the lines a bit smoother. For more volume, dermal fillers like Restylane and Perlane help to pump up the skin, while Juvederm ends any problems you may have with minor folds. Radiesse works hard to deal with more severe wrinkles.


Collagen Stimulation is an Anti-Aging Secret That Can Take 5 Years Off Your Appearance

Even though results can vary from person to person, collagen stimulation will:

  • Tighten loose skin and drooping skin on the face
  • Reduce wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes
  • Reduce smile and/or frown wrinkles around the mouth
  • Reveal a fresher and clearer appearance


Lifting drooping skin and removing wrinkles from a person’s face can dramatically change a person’s appearance, so why not look your best and book a free consultation at one of our Austin Medical Spas today?

Testimonial – “Great!! Very professional, clean, and friendly, Kelly you’re AWESOME! I went back to work and the girls noticed a difference and so did I, it made my day! I can now smile even bigger with fewer wrinkles lol, I feel much better about myself and it’s because of you, Thanks, Kelly! I will let my family and friends know about you all.”


How do dermal fillers work?

Juvederm, Restylane, and Perlane all work thanks to hyaluronic acid. This natural acid helps give a measure of fullness to your skin. The molecules will bind again and again as they slowly break down, helping to maintain fullness. Radiesse uses CaHA microspheres bound in a gel that helps to restore the volume of your face.


What should I expect during treatment?

We use a very small needle to help inject the right treatment and eliminate problem wrinkles. In many cases, we can even employ an anesthetic that will help your comfort level. The process is slower than you might expect because stimulators work best when injected slowly.


Are these treatments safe?

Each of our collagen stimulators is approved by the FDA, and that may provide you with the peace of mind you need to move forward.


How many treatments will I need?

The number of necessary collagen stimulation treatments depends on the type of treatment you need. Radiesse can last from 12-16 months, while Juvederm and Perlane give you results that may last from 9 – 12 months. Finally, Restylane helps stimulate collagen growth for 6 months. Laser skin tightening may require a touch-up treatment every several years. Remember, we are slowing aging, not stopping it!


Are collagen stimulators painful?

While sometimes a bit uncomfortable, many of these treatments aren’t painful. We use advanced injection techniques that help minimize any trauma you may experience.


Who is a good candidate for collagen stimulation?

Anyone with lines or wrinkles, no matter what the skin type, can benefit from collagen stimulation and resurfacing. If you are just beginning to show signs of aging or are having continual health problems, this may not be the right solution to meet your needs. We recommend meeting with a member of our staff to ensure this treatment is right for you.


What should I do after treatment?

Enjoy your new look! You may see redness or swelling, but on the whole, results are all you need to look forward to.


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.