IPL Photofacial

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photofacial can improve the signs of sun damage, rosacea, and brown and red spots on the face, neck, chest, back, arms and hands. It has also been used to reduce the appearance of mild acne scars, as an acne treatment, small blood vessels, dark circles around the eyes, and fine lines around the eyes and mouth. If you want the skin on your face to be smoother and healthier, and if you want to look younger, then IPL Photofacial might be the right cosmetic treatment for you. It is a simple, in-office procedure with little to no downtime.


Top Reasons to Try an IPL Photofacial:

  • Remove brown spots and small blood vessels.
  • The 45-minute procedure with minimal discomfort.
  • Minimal downtime.
  • One of the easiest and most effective skin rejuvenation procedures.
  • We have performed more than 5,000 IPL Photofacials, so we kind of knows something about it!

How a Photofacial Can Help You Fight The Signs of Aging

Various procedures can help treat skin conditions and restore youthful appearances to your face. Photorejuvenation treatments can help you achieve the desired younger look you are after. IPL Photofacial treats your skin in a safe, easy, gentle, and effective manner.

The IPL Photofacial involves the use of broadband light. It is not a laser, but a very intense bright light of all wavelengths. We select the desired wavelength we need using filters to accomplish things like removing pigmented lesions and hair removal. The light gets absorbed by brown or red pigment. The energy contained in the light causes the pigmented lesion to break up and be removed by your body. So this removes the visible signs of sun damage as well as those small blood vessels.


Sun Damage Can Make Your Skin Look Old and Tired

Over time, your skin begins to display the signs of aging. Factors like the sun, pollution, and smoking can actually speed up the aging process. The collagen found in your skin begins to break down which results in fine lines around the eyes and lips, deeper lines and grooves in the brow, and much more. Other visible signs of sun damage include brown pigmented spots and small blood vessels. One day you wake up to find that your face no longer has that youthful, vibrant appearance you once had.


Give Yourself The Gift of Looking and Feeling Young Again

Testimonial – “I’m a fair-skinned girl — or at least I try to be, but it’s hard to maintain in Texas! I’m no sun worshiper, but despite my best SPF efforts the ghosts of sunburns past were starting to come through in the form of brown spots, especially on my cheeks and cheekbones. After my very first visit with Stephany, the most hated freckle on my left cheek darkened the first day, got scaly the second day, and washed OFF the third day. I’m hooked. I’ve been back every month for my face and even had my chest done a couple of times. It also seems to tighten things a little bit and zaps broken capillaries away. Porcelain skin is in my reach. (actual results vary from patient to patient)”


IPL Photofacial Before & After*

You cannot tan before a photofacial IPL. The light will be absorbed by all the excess pigment in your skin and you will be over treated. So no tanning for 4-6 weeks and wait 4-6 weeks for a tan to resolve. Darker skin types cannot be treated with photofacials for the same reasons. We offer free consultations to determine who can have the treatment. We also ask that you discontinue the use of any retinoids for at least a week before the procedure. After the procedure, you may appear to be sunburned. This should resolve over a few days. Pigmented lesions may darken and swell after a photofacial. They may come to the surface of the skin and peel off or just break up in the skin. Occasionally there may be a small blister where extra light was absorbed. With some local wound care, these heal quickly with no scarring. It is critical that you protected the treated areas from sun exposure. Sunscreen is a must after the procedure to prevent the return of sun damage.

Beleza Medspa providers are experts at IPL Photofacial Austin TX and many other Cosmetic Dermatology procedures. Schedule your free consultation now!


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.