touching woman's face

Can BELOTERO BALANCE® Soften Nasolabial Folds?

Nasolabial folds are a common sign of aging that makes people self-conscious about their appearance. These deep lines or wrinkles run from the side of the nose to the corners of the mouth and can be caused by factors like genetics, sun exposure, smoking, and repetitive facial expressions.

While many dermal fillers are available to reduce nasolabial folds, one popular option is BELOTERO BALANCE®. If you're considering this injectable treatment, call Beleza Surgery to book an appointment in Austin, Cedar Park, Round Rock, or Killeen, TX. Our med spa facility can help you achieve a smoother, more youthful appearance.

Why are nasolabial folds so challenging to treat?

As we age, our production of collagen and elastin decreases. These proteins keep the skin in our mid-face firm and elastic. As a result, the skin in this area becomes thinner and less plump, causing nasolabial folds to become more prominent.

Nasolabial folds are particularly challenging to treat because they are dynamic wrinkles, meaning they appear and deepen when we make certain facial expressions. For example, smiling or laughing can accentuate these lines and make them noticeable.


As a hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal filler, BELOTERO BALANCE is designed to target moderate to severe nasolabial folds. HA is a naturally occurring substance that helps hydrate and plump the skin. By injecting BELOTERO BALANCE into the treatment area, it can fill in and smooth out deep wrinkles and lines.

Unlike other dermal fillers, BELOTERO BALANCE has a soft, cohesive consistency that allows it to blend in with the natural contours of the face. This makes it an ideal option for treating delicate areas where precision is key.

How long does BELOTERO BALANCE last?

One of the benefits of using BELOTERO BALANCE is that it provides long-lasting results. In many studies, patients saw improvements for up to six months after treatment. However, individual results vary based on age, metabolism, and lifestyle habits. Our med spa facility recommends booking a touch-up appointment 2 – 3 times a year to maintain your desired outcomes.

What about skincare products for nasolabial folds?

While some products can help improve the health and appearance of your skin, they may not significantly impact nasolabial folds. This is because no over-the-counter cream or serum can penetrate deep enough to address the underlying cause of these wrinkles. BELOTERO BALANCE offers a more targeted solution for reducing their visibility.

That said, incorporating ingredients like retinoids, vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid into your routine may help prolong the results of your BELOTERO BALANCE treatment. Consult with a skincare professional about what may be beneficial for your specific concerns.

Is BELOTERO BALANCE safe for the mid-face?

Yes, BELOTERO BALANCE is considered a safe and effective dermal filler for the mid-face area, including nasolabial folds. It has been approved for cosmetic use and has been extensively studied in clinical trials. Our team can provide guidance about what to expect in terms of risks during a consultation.

Treat your nasolabial folds

Nasolabial folds can be a source of insecurity for many people, but with the right treatment, they don't have to be. If you're interested in BELOTERO BALANCE or other anti-aging options at Beleza Surgery, contact us to schedule a consultation in Austin, Cedar Park, Round Rock, or Killeen, TX. Our med spa facility is dedicated to helping you look and feel your best.