Cosmetic Face Procedures

Present Your Best Self With Beleza Surgery Face Procedures
The first thing people notice about your appearance is your face. Beleza Surgery in Central Texas can perform eyelid and ear surgery to correct common cosmetic issues and increase your confidence. Eyelid surgery can reduce hanging skin from the eyelids while ear surgery treats ears that are too large or misshapen. Contact our offices in Cedar Park, Round Rock, Austin, or Killeen, TX to meet with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Hix-Hernandez and see how we can improve your facial features through surgery. Let our cosmetic plastic surgery centers help you look great and feel great — book an appointment to let us help you tailor your appearance!

Look & Feel Great
With Our Surgical Face Procedures
Eyelid Surgery
Eyelid surgery can be used to reduce excess skin from the eyelids, whether hanging down from the upper eyelid or creating bags below the lower eyelid. Over time, the skin around the eyes can lose elasticity, leading to drooping upper eyelids that may obstruct vision or create a tired appearance; genetic factors, aging, or lifestyle choices can also result in puffiness or dark circles under the eyes.
This minimally invasive procedure from our cosmetic plastic surgery can remove excess skin and fatty deposits, tightening the area and restoring a more youthful look. Whether for cosmetic enhancement or functional improvement, eyelid surgery in Central Texas can provide a transformative effect, brightening the face and rejuvenating your overall look.
Ear Surgery
If you or your child have ears that stick out, are misshapen, or just appear too large, you can adjust them with ear surgery for a renewed look. This procedure, commonly referred to as otoplasty, can correct these issues, providing a more balanced and harmonious appearance that boosts self-esteem.
The process from our cosmetic plastic surgery centers involved reshaping the cartilage and skin of the ears, positioning them closer to the head, and creating a more natural look. Invest in a lasting solution, enabling you or your loved ones to embrace a renewed confidence in their appearance and express themselves freely without concern.
Schedule Your Visit With Us
Request a consultation at any of our four locations to get started!