Types of Hernias We Treat
Types of Hernias We Treat

Inguinal Hernia
This is a hernia in the groin region, and includes direct inguinal, indirect inguinal, and femoral hernias. It is the most common type of hernia and can be repair with minimally invasive or traditional techniques.
Ventral Hernia
There are three types of ventral hernias: incisional, umbilical, and epigastric. This type of hernia is located in the abdominal wall and are associated with activities that increase pressure within the abdomen, such as heavy lifting, chronic coughing, obesity pregnancy, or abdominal injury. Depending on the size of the hernia defect, minimally invasive approaches to repair are possible.
Incisional Hernia
These types of hernias occur after previous abdominal surgery near the site of the surgical incision. Like ventral hernias, any activity that increases pressure within the abdominal cavity before complete healing of the incision may lead to an incisional hernia. These activities may include weight gain, coughing, sneezing, physical activity, or straining with bowel movements. For smaller hernia defects, minimally invasive approaches may be possible.
Large Abdominal Wall Hernias
At our Hernia Center, we are experts in performing abdominal wall reconstruction for massive abdominal hernias. These types of hernia repairs are complex, and often require combined operative techniques from general and plastic surgery. Dr. Smith and Dr. Hix have been performing these advanced hernia repairs for more than a decade, with excellent clinical and cosmetic outcomes. They often work together to ensure that not only is the hernia repaired, but the cosmetic outcome of the repair is outstanding.
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